11 Signs he is a womanizer

Source: http://lifestyle.ca.msn.com/love-sex-relationships/11-signs-he%E2%80%99s-a-womanizer

He has lots of female acquaintances but no female friends
He finds it hard to see women in anything but a sexual light and views every female as a potential conquest. This makes him incapable of maintaining a normal platonic friendship with anyone of the opposite sex.

He promises the earth
While most men are reticent about commitment, a womanizer doesn’t think twice about hinting at a future together. Of course he has no intention of seeing it through, he just knows exactly what you want to hear. Be wary of a chap who promises too much too soon. It’ll hurt like hell when he decides to take it away – and he certainly will once he’s got what he wanted.

Also see:

He asks a lot of questions
At first you think it’s great that he’s so attentive and interested in finding out what makes you tick, but don’t be fooled. He’s just doing the research that he’ll later put to good use by pretending to have the same aspirations, tastes, likes and dislikes as you.

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He makes you think dirty
A cunning Cassanova is adept at priming females for sex by subtly dropping a few innuendos into the conversation or finding excuses to bring up the topic of sex. It’s a smooth way of manipulating your subconscious into thinking naughty thoughts. And guess who reaps the rewards?

He arranges dates at hotel bars
Once he’s got you in the mood with all the sexy talk, it’s only a short trip from the bar to the bedroom. See what he did there?

He’s vain
Most womanizers have big egos and a sense of vanity to match. Just because he wears expensive clothes and is always well-heeled doesn’t mean he’s a lothario but over-confidence, a general sense of superiority, swagger and a tendency to show off should be viewed with extreme caution.

He locks his phone
If his phone
rarely stops buzzing and he starts acting shady or shifts the screen away from
your gaze whenever it rings, his furtive behaviour is trying to hide the fact
that he’s busy making plans with other women.

He ‘forgets’ your name
While he may not be clumsy enough to actually call you by another
name, he will employ little tricks so as not to blow his cover. Be on your guard
if he starts using blanket terms of endearment like ‘babe’, ‘darling’ and
‘sweetie’ when you’ve only just met. He’s just making sure he doesn’t get your
name muddled up with one of his other girlfriends.

He’s over complimentary
Womanizers are clever creatures. They have a unique sense that’s
finely attuned to the female psyche and hence are brilliant at knowing what you
want to hear even if they don’t mean it. When compliments glide off his tongue
like honey it’s hard not to be taken in, but you have to ask yourself how many
times he’s used these lines before.

He has as short attention span
A womanizer gets off on the challenge of a conquest but rapidly
loses interest once he’s achieved his goal – getting you into bed. Obviously,
you can’t know this for sure until it’s too late, but if you suspect he might be
a player try staving off sexual involvement for a week to see if he loses

He flashes his cash
Womanizers often use wealth to
impress their prey. He may well make sure your glass is always full and that you
never have to reach for your purse, but his intentions are not honourable

Four Major Signs of a Womanizer

Source: http://expertscolumn.com/content/four-major-signs-womanizer

A womanizer is simply a confident man who has romantic relationships with several women at a time – these relationships are mostly sexual in nature. There are several of them out there and I feel particularly sorry for women who unknowingly fall for them and give them all their heart only to receive their hearts back shattered. So without further ado I’d like to introduce you to the four major signs that show that he is a womanizer:

• Barely calls the woman by her name – a womanizer usually chooses such names like ‘my sweetie’ ‘honey’ ‘my babe’ or simply ‘babe’ over the woman’s real name. A womanizer finds it extremely difficult to call his lover by her name. The reason the womanizer does this is in order not to risk mixing his lovers’ names up as he has a whole lot of them. Therefore he plays it safe by referring to each of his numerous lovers with a simple babe or sweetie or honey and several others. Womanizers can be really smart men.

• A womanizer promises too much, though he has just met her – Yes that’s right. A womanizer would confidently promise his lover the world. This is one of the major characteristics of a womanizer. He promises the woman he wants to woo so many things that seem too good to be true. And unfortunately some women fall for his sugar-coated words. My advice to women out there is to be careful of such kinds of men. You should be careful and be wise. If your man begins to promise things that are too much even though you have only just met him then it is likely that he is just telling you things that you want to hear at that particular moment, in his desperate attempt to woo you and probably get you into his car and I believe you know the rest. He just wants one thing and the moment he gets it he’s moving on. Be wise my women out there.

• Giving too much compliments – a womanizer is according to experts very complimentary to his woman. But his compliments are usually different from the ordinary one. His compliments would always come with a strong motive behind them. The motive behind his endless compliments is usually to get the woman he has just met into bed. And when that is done you’d notice that the compliments would begin to decrease and before you’d know it he is moving on to another woman.

• He has more female Facebook friends than males – although our womanizer is not a celebrity if you should visit his social networking profile like his profile page on Myspace or Facebook you’d notice that he has more and more female friends than male friends. And he would be constantly texting and messaging these female friends in the hope of getting as many of them as possible to become his girlfriends and when he is done using them he would dump them for someone else.

Womanizers are usually confident and very smooth talkers and normally always succeed in their quest. So women out there watch out for these kinds of men as they would do anything to get what it is they want from you and I guess you know what I am talking about. They are smart and very cunning men. So please my women out there be wise. I hope this brief article would go a long way in helping girls and women to identify a womanizer or a player.

Recognizing the womanizer

Source: http://wrightwords.hubpages.com/hub/Recognizing-the-Womanizer

Womanizer Behaviors

There are some men who delight themselves in systematically seducing an infinite number of women. Each woman is made to feel very exceptional and admired for a short period of time and then he moves on to the next one on his evolving list of potential dating partners. These men   get pleasure from the thrill of the chase but never concern themselves with the committed relationships and much prefer the “no strings attached” relationships. They are highly addicted to having sexual encounters with inappropriate partners, flirting with the wives and girlfriends of their friends and they keep their love lives very discreet. Women who have been used and abused by these men often refer to them as ladies men, players, walk-away Joes, or womanizers.
The womanizer is one of the worst types of bad boys you can find and one of the men you will want to avoid sharing any part of your life with. The has a well practiced and flourishing plan with one goal in mind and that is to get you in bed as soon as possible. After he accomplishes his primary mission, he dumps you and moves down the list to the next woman and repeats this performance over and over throughout his lifetime.
The womanizer is an expert when it comes to manipulation but appears to be the exact opposite. At first you might think he is the most considerate, caring, and compassionate man you have ever met. He will be the one to offer a shoulder to cry on, let you vent your feelings, and share all of life’s problems with.
When you are out with the womanizer, you may observe that he seems to know every woman in a 500 mile radius and all of them come up to him and have no reservations about hugging him and giving him a kiss right in front of you. He is likely to explain that he just has a lot of contacts and coincidentally they are all female.
You may also observe that his phone is constantly ringing and he tries to ignore the callers that aren’t too persistent. When he can’t ignore a call, he leaves the room to take a call and quickly explains that he has been receiving numerous business calls lately.  When he is ready to push you to the bottom of his list of contacts, you will probably be on the other end of these phone calls and realize that he isn’t as available as he used to be and when he does answer, he tells you that he is in a business meeting.
The womanizer has carefully selected his male friends and chooses the ones that give him support and provide alibis when you become suspicious of his fabricated tales and deceitfulness
The womanizer’s life isn’t the only life influenced by his behavior. He is often married and while he may love his wife, the power of his addiction to sex and women has such unbelievable control over his entire life that he just can’t let go of his lifestyle and change.
The womanizer does not make an ideal dating partner and he is probably not looking for any type of long term relationship. Variety is the spice of his life and he just can’t avoid the attraction he has to juggling many women at once.
If you are looking for someone to love, honor, and cherish you forever, keep looking and avoid the womanizer at all cost. Recognizing the womanizer may save you years of heartache in the future.

Signs of womanizer, his personnality traits

Source: http://suite101.com/article/the-inner-workings-of-a-womanizer-a36161

Signs of a Womanizer – His Personality Traits

Recognizing the personality traits of a womanizer, Casanova, lothario or tom cat will help protect you from men who use women. No more addictive love relationships!

Womanizers have certain personality traits, which are easy to spot when you know what you’re looking for! The sooner you recognize the signs of a womanizer, the better able you are to protect yourself from addictive love and men who use women.

The word “Casanova” evolved from an Italian womanizer who had over a hundred one night stands. Casanova was a lady killer from Venice; he would wine and dine women, charm them, make them feel beautiful and irresistible, take them to bed, and … move on to the next woman the next day.

Casanovas are also known as womanizers, lotharios, tom cats, lady killers, seducers, predators and players. Many womanizers have a “line” for picking up women; they have a whole strategy from start to finish. After you learn how to recognize a womanizer, you’ll see through his facade.

The personality traits of womanizers make them easy to recognize.

Womanizers are master manipulators. Though the words “Casanova”, “tom cat”, “womanizer”, “lothario” and “seducer” may seem flirty and flattering, the behavior of lady killers is far from innocent. The sooner you learn to recognize a womanizer, the better off you’ll be! But remember: there’s a difference between being a womanizer and being a man who lies about cheating or having affairs.

The Personality Traits of a Womanizer

Womanizers are charming. They’re attentive, interested, curious – and they make women feel special. Womanizers have one goal: to get a woman into bed as quickly as possible and then move on to the next one. They’re seducers who are addicted to the “power” they feel when seducing women. This is one way to recognize a womanizer: they’re addicted to the chase and challenge of love.

Womanizers are often in touch with women’s feelings, and can adeptly manipulate those feelings to their advantage. For instance, a womanizer will express empathy for a woman’s professional or personal problems, and let the woman vent her feelings. Once she feels comfortable and relaxed with the lady killer, he’ll make his move.

Womanizers are good at what they do. They’re addicted to a certain type of love (not the healthy kind!).

How to Recognize a Womanizer – The Inner Workings of a Casanova

Some psychologists believe womanizers or Casanovas struggle with low self-esteem, and their sexual conquests make them feel better about themselves. It’s a temporary high, though. Womanizers may have unstable or nonexistent relationships with father figures – especially in early childhood – which makes them insecure about who they are. Knowing this will help you recognize a womanizer.

“Casanovas tend to exhibit some traits associated with psychopathy,” says Robert Hare, author of “Without Conscience” in Psychology Today (“The Lady Killer Files”, November December 2007). Womanizers may have to manipulate and deceive women to get what they want, and they may ignore guilty feelings – or they may not feel any guilt at all. This, too, will help you recognize a womanizer.

Womanizers tend to sleep with inappropriate partners, flirt with their friends’ wives, and have secrets about their romantic lives. Many lady killers are addicted to sleeping around with different women, but don’t find their sexual conquests fulfilling in the long term.

Recognizing a Womanizer Means Resisting a Womanizer

When you think you’ve met a Casanova or womaizer and you don’t want to be another notch in his bed post, don’t let yourself be manipulated into bed. A womanizer will give you the cold shoulder just as quickly as he’ll wine and dine you. You need to decide what you want out of a healthy love relationship, and stand firm.

Most womanizers aren’t good candidates for long-term relationships. If you’re looking for a healthy love relationship, you need to not only recognize a womanizer — you need to look past him.

One of the best ways to recognize and resist a womanizer is to be aware of the secrets men keep from women.

10 Signs he is a womanizer

from: http://www.thefrisky.com/2010-06-29/10-signs-hes-a-womanizer/

Charming, attentive, interested, witty, flirtatious — these are all traits of a womanizer. A womanizer knows exactly how to make a woman feel special, different from the rest, and like his one and only. The only difference between a womanizer and a good man is a womanizer acts in this manner to get in your pants, not your heart. Being able to differentiate a good man from a womanizer is not as easy as we’d like it to be, but we have you covered. After the jump, find 10 signs to help you make the distinction. But remember, even though he fits some of these characteristics doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a womanizer. Just don’t wear your heart on your sleeve; it’s always better to be safe than sorry!10 Signs He’s A Womanizer …

  1. More Facebook posts from girls than guys. His Facebook wall consists of a bunch of girls saying, “I miss you,”  “I want to hang out,” or “When am I seeing you?” Trouble!
  2. He’s overly complimentary. “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” “You’re gorgeous, and I don’t throw that term around lightly.” “I’ve never been able to open up with a woman the way I have with you.” If he says all of this within the first 15 minutes of the date, then he’s probably wants one thing. Yup, what’s between your legs.
  3. He confuses you with other girls. Nothing is worse than a guy calling you another girl’s name. Not only do you know that there is someone else, but he also can’t even keep the two of you straight.
  4. He’s Mr. Future. Unless you’re a woman who is committed to being single, chances are you’re at least open to the idea of meeting someone to eventually settle down with. Womanizers know that, which is why they become Mr. Future. “We can do this, and we can do that, and we can go here and there.” Everything is we, we, we. Womanizers know how to give us what we want, but feel no guilt when they take it away.
  5. He doesn’t have platonic female friends. A womanizer doesn’t need platonic girl friends because he’s interested in all of them. You can’t be platonic if there is sexual chemistry, right?
  6. He texts other girls, regularly. If he’s hanging out with you and is constantly on his phone texting other girls, chances are he’s not just interested in you.
  7. He’s king of nicknames. Sweetie, babe, baby, honey, darling, these easy pet names are the perfect way to make a girl feel special without mixing up real names.
  8. He keeps his cell phone locked. Men like to be shady in general. They rarely like anyone in their business, but if he’s got his phone on lock down and gets mad when you even glance in its direction, there is a reason for his secrecy.
  9. His mother calls you another name. If he’s introducing you to his mother, it might seem like you’re special to him. After all, you’re meeting the family. But if his mother confuses you with someone else, perhaps there is a reason for it. You might not be the only woman he’s bringing home to mommy.
  10. He’s known as a WOMANIZER. Where there is smoke, there is fire. His reputation didn’t come from him being a genuine guy. And you probably can’t change him. And why would you waste your time trying?